Artemis: Utter Mess Sydney Show!

Artemis Muñoz will be taking Artemis: Utter Mess on the road for the first time ever for ONE NIGHT ONLY.

Artemis: Utter Mess is a show about labels and the difference between the words that confine us and the ones that set us free. It follows Artemis’ journey to self discovery as a non-binary, asexual, cross-cultural person through song, story and several excellent puns!

If you’re in Sydney, you should come. If you’re elsewhere you should tell a friend to come! 

This is a MASKED EVENT so we expect you to wear one unless you have a medical or disability reason not to.

Performing at 107 Redfern (Performance Space) from 7:30pm the 3rd of July. Tickets here.

The image is a promotional poster for Artemis: Utter Mess. The test on the poster reads- "Artemis: Utter Mess. Sydney Show. Jul 3. 7:30pm 107 Redfern, Performance Space. Masks Required." 
The background of the poster is light blue and features a white box labelled "FRAGILE" that appears to be torn open. Standing n the box you are the legs of someone dressed in a dinosaur onesie. The tail of the onesies drapes outside the box.
Artemis: Utter Mess Sydney shows