Gaele Sobott published in The Suburban Review

Gaele Sabott’s short story ‘Zombie Crone’ appeared in The Suburban Review #32 ‘Tenacity’.

‘These four job applications are a waste of time, acts of a true zombie feeding a burgeoning bureaucracy of senseless shit. After weeks and weeks of energy-gobbling, hamster-on-a-wheel stress, finally, the penny has dropped. I’ve just got to pretend to be looking for a job.’

View ‘Zombie Crone’ in The Suburban Review here.

The image is the front cover of The Suburban Review Issue 32: Tenacity. The cover is an illustration of labourers in orange suits in an ambiguous blue workstation. There is a green beam of light shining down from the top left corner of the illustration, which highlights a worker at the top of a ladder opening the hatch to a large dome.
The Suburban Review #32 Tenacity