Kate Hood directs ‘Risky Business : A Little Show and a Big Conversation’

Kate Hood directs Risky Business : A Little Show and a Big Conversation at the Geelong Arts Centre. Part performance, part panel discussion, Risky business features a musical performance from Artemis Muñoz and a Shakespeare monologue from Olivia Muscat as well as panel discussions about the ongoing practice and future development of disability and its true representation in the arts, delivering surprising insights and fresh perspectives. Also featuring Zoe Boesen and Andy Jackson.

Risky Business will be performed at Geelong Arts Centre Limelight Studio 4, on 28th June 2023.

The image is a headshot photo of Kate Hood who has short grey hair that falls across her face with a fringe. She has blue eyes and is smiling warmly at the camera. She is wearing an aqua blue v-neck top and the background is black.
Kate Hood directs Risky Business: A little Show and a Big Conversation




